Monday, November 14, 2011


Today, I turned 26 years old. It's amazing how much one can grow and change within just one year. A year ago from today, I was a very different person living a very different life. I was in a rough place emotionally and spiritually, and I yearned to know whether or not my life would change for the better. Today, on my twenty-sixth birthday, I can honestly say that my life has truly evolved and changed for the better.

But first, a quick story.

As I attended church yesterday with my family, the priest, during his homily (or sermon for your Protestants out there), discussed the concept of vocations. The Gospel reading for the day was Matthew 25: 14-30, which discussed the concept of talents, and how one must not bury their talents, but rather, embrace and utilize the talents that God gave them. As I listened to the priest speak, he discussed how all of us, whether priest, married, single, teacher, police officer, etc...all are called to a specific vocation in this life.

This past year, I was placed in a position in which I was forced to leave the past behind and instead press onward to what I believe is my vocation in this life, which is as a teacher, combatant, and ambassador of the Filipino martial arts. This journey was not voluntary. I was placed in such a dark and painful place in my life that I honestly had no other choice but to press onward and aggressively towards this path. I took several roads which seemed to be the path I wanted to be on but instead, I was led to the path I am now. Today, the path toward my vocation has seemed to come to fruition, and while I do not feel the journey is by any means over, this past year, I have undergone so many changes and evolved in so many ways that I am now certain that my destiny is not too far away from me.

This past year, I have experienced and gone through many things I never thought I would ever experience in my life, and I left with many things learned. I underwent periods of dread, loss, and despair. I learned the value and healing power of working with children, and how their innocence can inspire and transform you into a better version of yourself. I saw how simple nights at a diner could lead to spiritual revelation and empowerment. I learned what true fear and terror felt like, and how that type of fear and terror truly puts ones life in the right perspective. I learned that 50 percent of any battle is showing up on the battlefield, and how the right leadership and camaraderie are what makes warriors...warriors. I learned what it meant to see an opportunity and not let it pass by. I learned what it meant to connect to a woman on a true deep, spiritual level that transcends mere physical attraction. I learned that if we want to improve and change the world around us, we must first learn to improve and change the world within us.

I am one year older, one year wiser, and one year more successful than I was last year. I have endured and persevered, and I know that while there will be more battles to come in the future, right now, I definitely see life as less rocky and uncertain than before.