Monday, August 3, 2009

10 Things I Believe About God

Taken from Heath Veuleman's blog entry. Here goes:

1) I believe that God is like a knife in a knife attack...He is felt, but never seen.

2) I believe that God isn't in the fancy cathedrals. He is within the poor and the oppressed. He is within the arms of a loving parent. He is within the kiss of a lover. He is within the sunshine breaking through the clouds after a rainstorm. He is within the smile of a child. He is within the courage of a soldier on the battlefield.

3) I believe that God speaks to us everyday...we just need to listen more.

4) I believe that God allows bad stuff to happen for reasons beyond my understanding.

5) I believe that God surrounds me with good people who help me make the right choices.

6) I believe that God has a sense of humor, yet so many religious people are far too uptight. I think God wants them to lighten up. How else do you explain those images of the Virgin Mary randomly appearing on slices of toast or tortillas?

7) I believe that God doesn't give us strength, patience, or courage. Instead, He puts us through trials which develop strength, patience, and courage.

8) I believe that God doesn't focus on skin color, nationality, language, sexuality, political beliefs, or even religious beliefs. He focuses on what lies in our hearts and minds. He focuses on our desires. He focuses on our intentions.

9) I believe that a relationship with God is more than simply being chaste, sober, and going to church on Sunday. It is wayyyy more than that.

10) I believe God put me on this Earth for a good reason...and I feel it's an important reason. I just don't know what it is yet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm all about number eight!

August 4, 2009 at 10:15 AM  
Blogger Giselle said...

hi! i dont know if we've met but i know a pana... if that counts. we must be in a cocentric circle of friends somehoww lol.

im all about lists at the moment. and all about what God's plan is. so, kudos.

i appreciate that you write about more relevant and universal stuff. kuuuudos!

August 24, 2009 at 11:13 PM  

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