Sunday, May 17, 2009

Artists seem to have a different way of looking at everyday things....

What most people see as merely a lump of clay is considered potential beauty by a sculptor. The sculptor can take something so mishapen and dirty and turn it into something beautiful and awe-inspiring. A sculptor can take clay and form it in their own vision.

What most people see as pen and paper is considered a potential stage for the writer or poet. Through writing, a writer can speak their mind to an audience, or entertain a crowd. It becomes the platform from which ideas spring and expression follows.

What appears to be random noise may be considered notes by a musician. They hear frequencies, notes, pitches. For the musician, what may appear to be mere sounds may lead to a musical masterpiece. Through musical instruments, they can express themselves fully and totally.

What appears to be canvas and paint is a potential portrait for the painter. Through the proper knowledge and skill of balancing colors and proportion, the painter can express themselves by painting a portrait of an image within their mind and showing it to the world.

For someone like me, what may look like a violent tool of destruction to many is a tool of expression for myself. When I look at a blade or club...I see new techniques, tactics, and methods. With it, I feel history, strength, power, courage, and resilience. I see a tool for not only my own expression, but also for protection. With a weapon, I create techniques almost automatically without thinking about it. Like a sculptor creates his vision from clay, I create my vision through my weapons. I know it sounds odd, but it makes sense to me, and others like me.


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